Board Welcomes New Members

At the Annual Meeting of the Gustav Stickley Hosue Foundation, two new members were elected to the board. Kate Auwaerter joins as an ex-officio member representing the Office of Syracuse Mayor Ben Walsh. Kate has been involved in preservation, planning and nonprofits...

Welcome New Foundation Administrator

We are very pleased to introduce Kate Veley, our new Foundation Administrator. Kate spent the past 5 years as the director of corporate philanthropy at Make-A-Wish CNY, and the previous 14 years as the Events Coordinator for Syracuse University’s Falk College....


Foundation Administrator Position Description: The Foundation Administrator will support activities and administrative functions of the Board of Directors and Donor Stewardship as they relate to the Foundation’s Mission. The position is primarily remote, 5-10...

Project Receives Funding from City of Syracuse

The restoration project has been awarded $250,000 from the City of Syracuse as part of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Distressed Property Fund. We were one of eight to receive funding through this program created by the Department of Neighborhood and Business...