A Timeline of the Gustav Stickley House

A Partnership Forms

The now Stickley-Audi Co. partners with the Everson Museum of Art to explore the possibility of turning the unoccupied property into an historic house museum. (2012)

Audi Family Purchases Home

The Audi family purchase the house for their L & JG Stickley Co. for $225,000 as a marketing venue.

Sideboard Sold

The Columbus Ave. sideboard is sold at Christies for $363,000. L & JG Stickley offer a limited edition of the sideboard in 1991.

House Officially Historic

The house is added to the National Register of Historic Places.

House Saved from Demolition
House Saved from Demolition

Norman Roth purchases the house at 438 Columbus Avenue in 1977 and saves it from demolition. Roth subsequently obtains Protected Site status from the City of Syracuse.

House Sold

The family sells the house and it is subdivided into five apartments.

Gustav Stickley Dies – April 20, 1942
Gustav Stickley Dies – April 20, 1942

Gustav Stickley dies at the Columbus Avenue house. He is buried along with several family members at Oakwood Cemetery in Syracuse , NY.

Stickley’s Daughter Purchases House – 1919

The house is bought by Stickley’s daughter, Barbara and her husband Ben Wiles. Stickley spends his last years with them and with his other children in Syracuse and Rochester. He dies in Syracuse in April 1942 at 85.

House Sold

1911 -The Columbus Ave. house is sold to the Fleishman family with the proviso that the furniture remain in it. The property is valued at $16,000.